Privacy & Cookies

The Coaching Inn Group Policies

  1. Website Privacy Policy/GDPR Information (Scroll Down)
  2. Cookie Policy (Scroll Down)
  3. Pay & Order App (Scroll Down)

Website privacy policy/GDPR Information

1.   Introduction 

1.1   We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors; in this policy we explain how we will treat your personal information. 

1.2   By using our website and agreeing to this policy, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy. 


2.   Collecting personal information 

2.1   We may collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information: 

(a)   information about your computer and about your visits to and use of this website (including your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths); 

(b)   information that you provide to us when registering with our website (including [our email address); 

(c)   information that you provide when completing your profile on our website (including your name, profile pictures, gender, date of birth, relationship status, interests and hobbies, educational details and employment details); 

(d)   information that you provide to us for the purpose of subscribing to our email notifications and/or newsletters (including [your name and email address); 

(e)   information that you provide to us when using the services on our website, or that is generated in the course of the use of those services (including the timing, frequency and pattern of service use); 

(f)   information relating to any purchases you make of our services or any other transactions that you enter into through our website (including your name, address, telephone number, email address); 

(g)   information that you post to our website for publication on the internet (including [your user name, your profile pictures and the content of your posts); 

(h)   information contained in or relating to any communication that you send to us or send through our website (including the communication content and metadata associated with the communication); and 

(i)   any other personal information that you choose to send to us. 

2.2   Before you disclose to us the personal information of another person, you must obtain that person’s consent to both the disclosure and the processing of that personal information in accordance with this policy. 


3.   Using personal information 

3.1   Personal information submitted to us through our website will be used for the purposes specified in this policy or on the relevant pages of the website. 

3.2   We may use your personal information to: 

(a)   administer our website and business; 

(b)   personalise our website for you; 

(c)   enable your use of the services available on our website; 

(d)   send you goods purchased through our website; 

(e)   supply to you services purchased through our website; 

(f)   send statements, invoices and payment reminders to you, and collect payments from you; 

(g)   send you non-marketing commercial communications; 

(h)   send you email notifications that you have specifically requested; 

(i)   send you our email newsletter, if you have requested it (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require the newsletter); 

(j)   send you marketing communications relating to our business or the businesses of carefully-selected third parties which we think may be of interest to you, by post or, where you have specifically agreed to this, by email or similar technology (you can inform us at any time if you no longer require marketing communications); 

(k)   provide third parties with statistical information about our users (but those third parties will not be able to identify any individual user from that information); 

(l)   deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to our website; 

(m)   keep our website secure and prevent fraud; and 

(n)   verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of our website (including monitoring private messages sent through our website private messaging service). 

(o)   use review comments for social media or similar.

3.3   If you submit personal information for publication on our website, we will publish and otherwise use that information in accordance with the licence you grant to us. 

3.4   Your privacy settings can be used to limit the publication of your information on our website, and can be adjusted using privacy controls on the website. 

3.5   We will not, without your express consent, supply your personal information to any third party for the purpose of their or any other third party’s direct marketing. 


4.  Disclosing personal information 

4.1   We may disclose your personal information to any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy. 

4.2   We may disclose your personal information to any member of our group of companies (this means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and all its subsidiaries) insofar as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this policy. 

4.3   We may disclose your personal information: 

(a)   to the extent that we are required to do so by law; 

(b)   in connection with any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; 

(c)   in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk); 

(d)   to the purchaser (or prospective purchaser) of any business or asset that we are (or are contemplating) selling; and 

(e)   to any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information. 

4.4   Except as provided in this policy, we will not provide your personal information to third parties. 


5.  International data transfers 

5.1   Information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate in order to enable us to use the information in accordance with this policy. 

5.2   Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Union unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the ‘rights and freedoms’ of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. 

The transfer of personal data outside of the EU is prohibited unless one or more of the specified safeguards or exceptions apply; 

– Binding corporate rules 

– Model contract clauses in place 

5.3   Personal information that you publish on our website or submit for publication on our website may be available, via the internet, around the world. We cannot prevent the use or misuse of such information by others. 

5.4   You expressly agree to the transfers of personal information described in this Section 6. 


6.  Retaining personal information 

6.1   This Section 6 sets out our data retention policies and procedure, which are designed to help ensure that we comply with our legal obligations in relation to the retention and deletion of personal information. 

6.2   Personal information that we process for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes. 

6.3   Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 7, we will retain documents (including electronic documents) containing personal data: 

(a)   to the extent that we are required to do so by law; 

(b)   if we believe that the documents may be relevant to any ongoing or prospective legal proceedings; and 

(c)   in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes of fraud prevention and reducing credit risk). 


7.  Security of personal information 

7.1   We will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. 

7.2   We will store all the personal information you provide on our secure (password- and firewall-protected) servers. 


8.  Amendments 

8.1   We may update this policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website. 

8.2   You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy. 


9.  Your rights 

9.1   You may instruct us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you; provision of such information will be subject to: 

– the supply of appropriate evidence of your identity (for this purpose, we will usually accept a photocopy of your passport certified by a solicitor or bank plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address). 

9.2   We may withhold personal information that you request to the extent permitted by law. 

9.3   You may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes. 

9.4   In practice, you will usually either expressly agree in advance to our use of your personal information for marketing purposes, or we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes. 


10.  Third party websites 

10.1   Our website includes hyperlinks to, and details of, third party websites. 

10.2   We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties. 


11.  Updating information 

11.1   Please let us know if the personal information that we hold about you needs to be corrected or updated. 


12.  Data protection registration 

12.1   We are registered as a data controller with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office. 

12.2   Our data protection registration number is 355522 


13.  Our details 

13.1   This website is owned and operated by The Coaching Inn Group. 

13.2   We are registered in England and Wales under registration number VAT – 667 370901, and our registered office is at The Coaching Inn Group, Friars House, Quaker Lane, Boston, PE21 6BZ 

13.3   Our principal place of business is at The Coaching Inn Group, Friars House, Quaker Lane, Boston, PE21 6BZ 

13.4   You can contact us: 

(a)  by post, using the postal address; 

(b)  using our website contact form; 

(c)  by telephone, on 01205 355522; or 

(d)  by email, using [email protected]


Cookie policy 

This website uses cookies. By using this site you agree to this policy and consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy. 

We want to ensure that your use of our website is user friendly, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your computer or other device such as your mobile phone. These include small files known as “cookies”. We do not use these to identify you personally, or to hold any personal data. 

These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through, for example: 

–  Enabling a service to recognise your device so you don’t have to give the same information several times during one task 

–  Recognising that you may already have provided a username and password so that you don’t need to keep repeating these for every web page requested 

–  Measuring how many people are using services so they can be improved and there is enough capacity to ensure they are responsive 

Cookies are small files, containing an ‘identifier’ given to your browser by a website which may be stored as text files (letters and numbers) in the cookie directory of your computer. Cookies are not programmes and cannot collect information from your computer. They do not damage your computer and are defined as ‘a piece of text stored on a computer by a web browser, a cookie can be used for authentication, storing site preferences, shopping cart contents, the identifier for a server-based session, or anything else that can be accomplished through storing text data’. 

Our website may send cookie data to your browser, which may save it if your browser’s preferences allow it to do so. To protect your privacy your browser only returns a cookie to the website that sent you the cookie and does not send it to any other website. A website cannot access your cookie directory or information on your computer, instead relevant cookies are included by your browser within each request you make to the website. A website can only obtain cookie data that your browser sends to it. Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you. There are two types of cookie used: 

Persistent cookies remain on your computer for a specified time and so are saved to your computer’s hard disk. We use persistent cookies to: 

•  Identify that a registered user has returned 

•  Securely remember your login User ID – if you have asked us to do so 

•  Understand how you use our site and obtain information on website usage (as described above) 

Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser and are not usually saved to your computer’s hard disk. We use session cookies to: 

•  Identify that you have logged in to the site 

•  Hold your search criteria while you are carrying out a search of the website 

•  Collect information on website usage – as described above 

In particular, we use Google Analytics to analyse the use of this website. This generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users’ computers. The information generated, relating to our website, is used to create reports about the use of the website. Google will store this information. (Google’s privacy policy is available at 

You do not have to accept cookies and you can change the settings within your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, reject cookies from certain websites, notify you if a site is requesting to set a cookie, and set various other options. You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer, although this may have a negative effect on the use of websites. Please see your browsers settings to do so. 

Switching off cookies will still allow you to view the majority of content on our website. However, it will prevent you logging in and so accessing personalised information. It will also stop us remembering your login User ID, if you ask us to do so, and may restrict your use of our interactive tools and of some services available. 

For further information or if you have any questions about the cookies we use or this policy please contact us. 


Pay & Order App Privacy Policy

This policy is to cover The Coaching Inn Group Order and Pay mobile application software (Application/app) hosted on Apple devices (the Apple iTunes App Store) or Android devices (the Google Play store). Once you have downloaded a copy of the App onto your tablet or mobile phone (or any other handheld device) the information we may take/collect from you are:

Information we take

Information you give to us (Submitted information): You may give us information about you by filling in various forms/menus/text fields on the App, or by engaging with us via by Phone, contact form or by e-mail. This includes information you provide when you, download or register to use the App, purchase food or drink (including order history), us loyalty, book a room, and when you report a issue or technical problem with the App. The information you give us may include your name, address, e-mail address and contact telephone number. The other thing we will take is your location information. We use GPS technology to determine your current location (make sure you are within our business when ordering ). Our location-enabled services require your location data for the features on the app to work. You will be asked to consent to your data being used for this purpose.


Information we receive from other sources (Third Party Information): We work with third party business partners who provide technical, operational, payment and delivery services and may receive information about you from them which could include your email address, PayPal user name and payment method. The companies who will also be able to see the information we have collected are Zonal Retail Data Systems Ltd, Apple, Android, PayPal.


Information logged when using the App: When using the app, every choice, buttons pressed or menu option is logged. We DO NOT hold or store any payment information as this is held by our 3rd party provider PayPal. When putting this information into the app we it is help on a screen held by PayPal which is covered by their security. All information we hold or take is to provide you the service or Order and Pay. Should you not be happy with us holding or taking the information please do not use the application.

Retention Time

All your data will be stored for historic reasons and allow us and our third parties to develop the application. It will also benefit the user experience when it comes to reordering or using the app in multiple locations. At any time, you want us to remove your data please contact us and we will do so within 30 days.


Disclosure of your information

We may disclose your personal information to third parties: in the event that we sell, transfer or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose or pass on your personal data to the prospective seller/buyer of such business/assets.

If The Coaching Inn Group (or hotels and businesses owned by the Coaching Inn Group) or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by it about its Guests and customers will be one of the transferred assets.  If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation or request.


Where your personal data is stored

The data that we collect from you on your device will be transferred to, and stored at, a destination inside the European Economic Area (EEA) by Zonal Retail Data Systems Ltd. It will be processed by staff operating inside the EEA who work for us (The Coaching Inn Group) or for one of our suppliers. These staff may be engaged in the fulfilment of your request or order, the processing of your payment details and the provision of support services. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. The Coaching Inn Group and Zonal Retail Data Systems Ltd will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy and GDPR law.

All information you provide to us is stored on the secure servers hosted by Zonal Retail Data Systems Ltd. Any payment transactions carried out by us or our chosen third-party (PayPal) provider of payment processing services (Braintree as PayPal company) will be encrypted with the latest security. We are 100% PCI compliant and we will make sure we put in the correct measure to stop your information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.


Changes to the privacy policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this

page. Our policy may change from time to time so please use this page to keep updated. The new terms if we change them may be displayed on-screen and you will be required to read and accept them to continue your use of the App or the Services.

Your Rights

You may instruct us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you; provision of such information will be subject to:

  • the supply of appropriate evidence of your identity (for this purpose, we will usually accept a photocopy of your passport certified by a solicitor or bank plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address).
  • We may withhold personal information that you request to the extent permitted by law.
  • You may instruct us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes.

In practice, you will usually either expressly agree in advance to our use of your personal information for marketing purposes, or we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes.

Contact us

This website is owned and operated by The Coaching Inn Group.

We are registered in England and Wales under registration number VAT – 380 2094 14, and our registered office is at The Coaching Inn Group, Friars House, Quaker Lane, Boston, PE21 6BZ

Our principal place of business is at The Coaching Inn Group, Friars House, Quaker Lane, Boston, PE21 6BZ

You can contact us:

(a)  by post, using the postal address;

(b)  using our website contact form;

(c)  by telephone, on 01205 355522; or

(d)  by email, using [email protected]


External and 3rd Party Information and Privacy Policies

Zonal Retail Data Systems Ltd
Website –
Privacy Policy –

Website –
Privacy Policy –

Website –
Privacy Policy –

Website – &
Privacy Policy – &

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Our hotels

CoachingInnGroup Christmas!

The Forest Park Country Hotel & Inn

The Forest Park Country Hotel & Inn
Brockenhurst, Hampshire


The Moorland Hotel

The Moorland Hotel
Dartmoor, Devon


The Pheasant Hotel

The Pheasant Hotel
Holt, Norfolk


The Talbot Hotel

The Talbot Hotel
Malton, North Yorkshire


The Manor Coastal Hotel & Inn

The Manor Coastal Hotel & Inn
Blakeney, Norfolk


The Royal Wells Hotel, Tunbridge Wells

The Royal Wells Hotel, Tunbridge Wells
Tunbridge Wells


The Swan Hotel

The Swan Hotel
Wells, Somerset


The George Hotel

The George Hotel
Amesbury, Wiltshire


The Tudor House Hotel

The Tudor House Hotel
Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire


The Kings Arms & Royal

The Kings Arms & Royal
Godalming, Surrey


The Wynnstay Hotel

The Wynnstay Hotel
Oswestry, Shropshire


The George Hotel

The George Hotel
Dorchester-on-Thames, Oxfordshire


The Crown Hotel

The Crown Hotel
Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire


The Rutland Arms Hotel

The Rutland Arms Hotel
Bakewell, Peak District


The Castle Hotel

The Castle Hotel
Conwy, North Wales


The White Hart Royal Hotel

The White Hart Royal Hotel
Moreton in Marsh, Cotswolds


The White Horse Hotel

The White Horse Hotel
Romsey, Hampshire


The Golden Fleece Hotel

The Golden Fleece Hotel
Thirsk, North Yorkshire


The Feathers Hotel

The Feathers Hotel
Ledbury, Herefordshire


The Bell Inn

The Bell Inn
Stilton, Cambridgeshire


The Kings Head Hotel

The Kings Head Hotel
Richmond, North Yorkshire


The Talbot Hotel

The Talbot Hotel
Oundle, Northamptonshire


The Feathers Hotel

The Feathers Hotel
Helmsley, North Yorkshire


Jamaica Inn

Jamaica Inn
Bodmin, Cornwall


The King William IV Country Pub & Hotel

The King William IV Country Pub & Hotel
Sedgeford, North Norfolk


The Saracens Head Hotel

The Saracens Head Hotel
Great Dunmow, Essex


The Three Swans Hotel

The Three Swans Hotel
Market Harborough, Leicestershire


The Royal Oak Hotel

The Royal Oak Hotel
Welshpool, Mid Wales


The Three Swans Hotel

The Three Swans Hotel
Hungerford, Berkshire


The Swan Hotel

The Swan Hotel
Stafford, Staffordshire


The White Hart Hotel

The White Hart Hotel
Boston, Lincolnshire


The Admiral Rodney Hotel

The Admiral Rodney Hotel
Horncastle, Lincolnshire


The Golden Lion Hotel

The Golden Lion Hotel
St Ives, Cambridgeshire


The Old Bridge Inn

The Old Bridge Inn
Holmfirth, West Yorkshire


Castle Of Brecon

Castle Of Brecon
Brecon, Wales